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Modern Architecture in Lebanon: Our Lady of Unity

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Our Lady of Unity (Notre-Dame de l’Unité)


Jacques Liger-Belair

This Church located in Yarze is part of the convent of the Clarisses Sisters. The public arrives from one side and the nuns from the other, each having their own space inside the curved structure.

The roughness of the exposed concrete brut de décoffrage is tempered by the warm wood of the benches and of the doors that are designed to generously open and allow for outdoor masses. Particular attention is placed on the provision of natural light, namely through a slit operated between the walls and the roof, and between the walls of the bell tower facing the altar.

The roof represents very well the high level of craftsmanship needed to achieve a perfect hyperbolic paraboloid surface. The synergy between the architect, engineer, contractor, and skilled workers, is best manifested here.

Jacques Liger-Belair archives
Jacques Liger-Belair archives
Jacques Liger-Belair archives
Jacques Liger-Belair archives
Jacques Liger-Belair archives
Jacques Liger-Belair archives
Jacques Liger-Belair archives


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  • Carole

    Superbe église, que de souvenirs dans cette belle église. Chaque année j’y passais mes retraites.

    January 26, 2019